One Should Add A Blog To Podcast Website?


Adding a blog to a podcast website can help increase traffic and engagement with your audience. A blog can be a great place to share supplemental content related to your podcast, interview guests, or share insights and tips related to your topic. Additionally, a blog can help you build an audience by providing them with valuable information and resources.

Blogs can also help with search engine optimization (SEO) by providing relevant, unique content to your site that isn’t available elsewhere online. In addition to being a resource for listeners, it’ll also be a valuable tool for Google and other search engines when trying to determine how informative your website is. If you get linked to from high-quality sites, this could lead to a nice bump in traffic.

Before adding a blog to your podcast website you will want to consider a few things. First, decide what the purpose for the blog is going to be. Do you intend it simply to share supplemental content? Is it going to be focused on interviewing guests and sharing their insights? Do you plan on using it as an outlet to share your own thoughts and insights on the topic of your podcast?

Once you’ve decided how you want to use the blog, then consider if it would be better suited elsewhere. For example, if you’re using it mainly for interviewing guests it may be more advantageous to place that content on another site. Finally, consider if you need a blog at all. It could be something that’s better left to another place like Tumblr or Medium .

Once you’ve decided whether or not adding a blog to your podcast website is right for you, there are some things to keep in mind when setting it up. First, make sure the post titles of your blog posts are engaging and accurate. If someone sees a post that sounds interesting, but then clicks on it to read the full post only to find out it isn’t what they were expecting, it can be off-putting for them.

Be sure to keep your URLs as short as possible so people aren’t put off by having to fill in long, complicated URLs into their address bar. Finally, don’t forget to use media in your blog posts. Photos are a great way to break up the text and keep people engaged with what you have to say. If possible, try experimenting with video as well since it can be easier for listeners to consume than writing is especially if they’re short on time.


Professional writers know that writing about something is the best way to perfect their understanding of it, and great bloggers know that a running “conversation” with an audience still depends largely on use of the written word. A podcast or video can be spontaneous and incredibly humanizing, a great way to make your audience feel like they know you. A blog, on the other hand, allows you to showcase sheer authority.

Setting words down on paper (or on WordPress) is the ultimate commitment to your message, going back to when the word was the only way to preserve and transfer information with accuracy. Even though a podcast is just as permanent as a blog, the written word still carries that extra gravitas that distinguishes an expert. If nothing else, good writing displays the kind of thoughtfulness that separates real passion from simple salesmanship.

By having a blog as part of your website, with links to your podcast (and a link on your podcast site to your blog), you will generate those coveted SEO algorithm back-links!

You accomplish the best of all three worlds:

1. You are engaging listeners via audio on the podcast.

2. You are engaging readers and followers on your website.

3. You are activating additional SEO algorithm’s that will help to get your show rated higher in search engines!