Maintain Your Computer – Keep Your Business Running


Your computer is a critical tool in your business, and just like any other piece of equipment, it needs to be maintained to keep running properly. Here are four tips to help you keep your computer running smoothly.

1. Keep your operating system and software up to date. Software updates often include important security patches that can help protect your computer from malware and other online threats. To check for updates on a Windows PC, open the Start menu and click on “All Programs.” Then, click on “Windows Update.” For Macs, open the App Store and click on the “Updates” tab.

2. Run regular scans for viruses and malware. Even if you’re being careful about what websites you visit and what email attachments you open, it’s still possible to get infected with malicious software. That’s why it’s important to run regular scans with an antivirus program like Microsoft Security Essentials or AVG Free Antivirus. For Macs, you can use the built-in malware protection in macOS.

3. Keep your hard drive clean and organized. Over time, your hard drive can fill up with unnecessary files like temporary Internet files, old program files, and duplicate photos. To free up space on your hard drive, you can use a tool like CCleaner or Disk Cleanup. For Macs, you can use the “Optimize Storage” feature in macOS to remove old files and duplicate images.

4. Defragment your hard drive. When you save a file, it’s often stored in pieces scattered around your hard drive. This can make your computer run slower because the drive has to search for all of the pieces of the file when you try to open it. To speed up your computer, you can defragment your hard drive. For Windows PCs, you can use the “Disk Defragmenter” tool. For Macs, the “Optimize Storage” feature will also defragment your hard drive.

By following these tips, you can help keep your computer running smoothly and avoid potential problems down the road.

Computer technology

Computers are a part of our everyday lives. We use them for work, entertainment, and communication. To keep your computer running smoothly and your business running effectively, it is important to properly maintain your computer.

There are a few key things you can do to maintain your computer:

-Keep your computer clean. Dust can cause performance issues and can also be a fire hazard. Be sure to clean your computer’s internals and exterior regularly.

-Update your software and drivers. Outdated software and drivers can cause crashes and other performance issues. Make sure to keep your software up to date by using the provided updaters or automatic updates.

-Use a good antivirus program and keep it updated. Antivirus programs protect your computer from harmful viruses and other malware. Be sure to keep your antivirus program up to date so it can effectively protect your computer.

-Make backups of your important data. In the event of a computer crash, you will want to have a backup of your important data. Be sure to store your backups in a safe place so they are not lost if your computer is damaged or stolen.

By following these simple tips, you can help maintain your computer and keep your business running smoothly.

Computer technology program

If you want to ensure that your computer technology program is running smoothly, you need to maintain it regularly. This means keeping your software up to date, deleting unnecessary files, and running regular scans and repairs. You should also back up your data regularly in case of a hard drive failure or another disaster. By following these simple steps, you can keep your business running smoothly and avoid costly computer problems.

Computer hardware

If you’re running a business, it’s important to keep your computer hardware in good condition. This will ensure that your business continues to run smoothly and that you can access your files and programs when needed. Here are a few tips for maintaining your computer hardware:

1. Keep your computer clean. Dust can clog up the fans and heat sinks, which can lead to overheating and other problems. Be sure to dust your computer regularly and use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to get into all the nooks and crannies.

2. Keep your computer cool. Make sure there’s plenty of airflow around your computer, and avoid putting it in direct sunlight or near heat sources. You can also purchase a cooling pad or stand to help keep your computer cool.

3. Be careful with your cords. Loose, tangled, or frayed cords can create problems or even be a safety hazard. Be sure to unplug and replug all cables and cords carefully, and don’t pull on them too hard.

4. Upgrade your hardware as needed. Over time, components in your computer will wear out and need to be replaced. Memory and storage tend to fill up over time, so upgrading to larger capacity modules can be helpful. Likewise, if you notice your computer isn’t running as quickly as it used to, you may want to consider upgrading the CPU or adding more RAM.

5. Get professional help when needed. If you’re having problems with your computer, it’s always best to consult with a professional. They can help you diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of action.

use Ad-Aware SE Personal – you can get the freeware version or the shareware version – the decision is yours.

I’m currently using the freeware version, but will eventually be going to the paid version for added protection. Anyway, Ad-Aware SE will protect your computer from such critters as, data-mining, scumware, parasites, malware, and browser hijackers, to name just a few.

The third line of defense is to always back up your data. Even though you don’t want to hear this, realize that your hard drive can either go belly up or crash. It is always better to have a backup – it shortens the downtime.

Just a side note, when I was working in the corporate world, I had the misfortune of having a supervisor that was computer illiterate. My computer started to make sounds similar to that of a seagull. I told my supervisor that I thought my hard drive was going out. She did not want to believe me, and stated “We do not have the money in our budget for a hard drive”. I found that to be a rather crass remark and waited

nervously for my hard drive to make its exit. To make a long story short, two days later, I get a cryptic statement flashing on my screen that said “Back up your Hard-Drive – Error” — then my hard drive crashed and died. Amazing, they did have $60 in their little old budget to get a new hard drive. Now, how much do you suppose my supervisor’s statement cost the company?

The fourth line of defense and maintenance, always to clean out your temporary Internet files. It uses up memory!

To clear out your temporary Internet files do the following:

1. Open up your Internet connection.

2. Click On Tools, then Internet Options

3. Under the General Section you should see a section labeled “Temporary Internet Files”

4. Click on the button that says Delete Cookies, and then the button that says Delete Files. When you click on delete files, a box will open up and will ask you if you want to also delete off-line files – check that box, as well.

Within the General Section, you should also see a section called

History. I decrease the number of days that I hold on to the pages that I visited. Again, this helps to save memory.