Ways to Secure CMS Websites

secure CMS

The most popular CMS in the market

CMS platforms are susceptible to attacks because of the open-source code. Drupal is a secure platform that is well-known for its security features. Joomla is less secure than Drupal, and WordPress has a lot of vulnerabilities.

Web-borne Threats to CMS Endpoint Security

CMS users are vulnerable to web-borne threats that can compromise their endpoint security. Malicious front-end code on the client side is another way in which CMS users are exposed to endpoint security breaches. Static exported versions of content can help mitigate these threats. Reduce active client-side use to minimize API risks. Use a static exported version of your web content as your public site and host it separately. Endpoint security is a critical part of the CMS system. Infectious threats to endpoint security are on the rise. CMS must take proactive measures to protect its endpoints.

Technologies that can help to protect endpoint security include firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and anti-virus software

What are the most common security threats to CMSs?

The most common security threats to CMSs are cross site scripting and SQL injection. Hackers use malicious SQL statements inserted into an entry field for execution. Code injection can affect the whole server running a website. Data manipulation and access to data are common threats. Tightly coupling CMSs makes them vulnerable to security threats.

Protect your website with an SSL Certificate:

SSL certificates provide encryption of information sent across the internet, protecting your users from hackers and identity theft. SSL certificates have become a PCI standard for e-commerce sites accepting sensitive credit card and personal data. Today there is no reason not to have an SSL Certificate, as most hosting companies provide a free or low-cost SSL option. An SSL certificate (secure sockets layer) is the standard security technology that is used to produce an encrypted link that goes between the web server and the browser.

Restrict the number of login attempts

Login attempts can be restricted to prevent brute force attacks and hackers. Two-factor authentication (2FA) helps protect against password theft. To enable 2FA, a mobile app or other device must generate a code that is entered along with the user’s password for login.

Open source website security

Hacked Website Report, the three most infected platforms were WordPress, Magento, and Joomla! – all open source. WordPress accounts for about 50% of the internet worldwide. Open source websites (especially WordPress) have a significant vulnerability: the responsibility of the website owner.

Which open source platforms are most secure?

There are open source platforms that are very secure and have been used in the past for storing and sharing sensitive information. These include:

Open source platforms that are supported by a large, active, development community are generally more secure.

According to the 2018 Hacked Website Report, the three most infected platforms were WordPress, Magento, and Joomla! — all open source. However, it does mention in their report that the popularity of these platforms plays a significant role in their data. Open source platforms require constant and deliberate updates from the owner.

Secure open source platforms are reliant on system patches, extension updates, migration off of unsupported platform versions, and site permissions and administrator management.